Dgb Nennt Teilzeit Krankschreibungen Absurd

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DGB nennt Teilzeit-Krankschreibungen «absurd»
DGB nennt Teilzeit-Krankschreibungen «absurd» from

DGB calls part-time sick leave "absurd"

Trade union calls for sick leave to be abolished

DGB boss Yasmin Fahimi considers part-time sick leave to be "absurd" and calls for sick leave to be abolished.

The German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) is calling for the abolition of part-time sick leave. DGB boss Yasmin Fahimi told the "Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung" that she considers part-time sick leave to be "absurd".

She said: "Either you are unable to work or you are not. There is no in-between." Fahimi also criticized the fact that part-time sick leave is often used to bridge the gap between the end of sick leave and the start of a rehabilitation measure.

She said: "This is a misuse of the system. Rehabilitation measures should be started as soon as possible after sick leave." The DGB is now calling on the federal government to abolish part-time sick leave.

Doctors' association: Part-time sick leave is sometimes necessary

The German Medical Association (BÄK), on the other hand, considers part-time sick leave to be necessary in some cases. BÄK President Klaus Reinhardt told the "Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung" that part-time sick leave can be useful, for example, to enable patients to gradually return to work after a long illness.

He said: "Part-time sick leave can be a bridge between sick leave and full return to work." Reinhardt also pointed out that part-time sick leave can help to prevent patients from falling into unemployment.

He said: "If patients are unable to return to work full-time immediately after sick leave, part-time sick leave can help them to stay in the workforce."

IG Metall: Part-time sick leave is a good compromise

The IG Metall trade union also considers part-time sick leave to be a good compromise in some cases. IG Metall board member Hans-Jürgen Urban told the "Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung" that part-time sick leave can help to protect jobs.

He said: "Part-time sick leave can help to prevent employees from losing their jobs due to illness." Urban also pointed out that part-time sick leave can help to reduce the financial burden on employers.

He said: "Part-time sick leave can help to reduce the costs of long-term sick leave for employers."