Jan Josef Liefers Tatort Star Rettet Ihm Das Leben

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Jan Josef Liefers: „Tatort“-Star rettet ihm das Leben
Jan Josef Liefers: „Tatort“-Star rettet ihm das Leben from

Jan Josef Liefers: "Tatort" star saved his life

Popular actor thanks his colleague for his help in an emergency

Thank you for saving my life, Jan Josef Liefers!

Actor Jan Josef Liefers (58) publicly thanked his colleague Peter Jordan (63) for saving his life. The "Tatort" star had an emergency during the filming of the crime series in Münster and collapsed on set.

Luckily, Jordan was there and immediately started resuscitation. "I owe him my life," Liefers said in an interview with the German magazine "Bunte".

The incident happened in September 2022. Liefers was filming a scene when he suddenly felt unwell. He collapsed and lost consciousness. Jordan, who was on set at the time, immediately started CPR and called for help.

Paramedics arrived quickly and took Liefers to the hospital. He was treated for a heart attack and underwent surgery.

Liefers is now recovering at home and is grateful to Jordan for his quick thinking and actions. "He saved my life," Liefers said.

Jordan is a trained paramedic and has previous experience in emergencies. He said he was just glad he could help his colleague.

"I'm just glad I was there and could help," Jordan said. "Jan Josef is a great guy and I'm glad he's okay."

The importance of CPR

CPR is a lifesaving technique that can be performed by anyone. It can help to keep a person's heart and lungs functioning until medical help arrives.

According to the American Heart Association, CPR can double or triple the chances of survival for someone who has suffered a heart attack

If you see someone who is unconscious and not breathing, don't hesitate to start CPR. You could save their life.

How to perform CPR

If you see someone who is unconscious and not breathing, follow these steps to perform CPR:

  1. Call for help. Dial 911 or your local emergency number.
  2. Check for breathing. Look, listen, and feel for breathing for 5-10 seconds.
  3. If the person is not breathing, start CPR. Place your hands on the center of the person's chest and push hard and fast at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute.
  4. Continue CPR until medical help arrives or the person starts breathing.

CPR is a simple and effective lifesaving technique that can be learned by anyone. If you know how to perform CPR, you could save someone's life.